Saturday 2 November 2013

something to chew on...

Life unfolds like a merry-go-around spinning and blurring the world around and before we know it we are catapulted through a dizziness into the dramatic scenes of the Future where nostalgia is relinquished for the jovial and playful ride of spontaneity and unfettered optimism. But this doesn't happen overnight and neither through selfish tactics. But rather it is a journey of the soul which yearns to move beyond the mundane details and trappings of daily ritualistic routines that I despise. It doesn't mean that one should live in a fantasy land, creating strange little dwarfs of desire and then magnifying them until reality seems ridiculous. Fabricating fantasies is fine to a certain extent but until one has the intention of even taking the first preliminary steps to fulfill them, what is the use of such delusions in this life. Well, if it leads to happiness and positive development of events and materializes into physical reality at least some of the desired things then, we are going somewhere.